Climbing areas

Imagemap alt Wehlen Area Rathener Gebiet Brandgebiet Schrammsteingebiet Schmilkaer Gebiet Affensteine Kleiner Zschand Großer Zschand Wildensteiner Gebiet Hinterhermsdorfer Gebiet Gebiet der Steine Bielatal Erzgebirgsgrenzgebiet
Interactive map of climbing areas in the Saxon Switzerland National Park Region


Maps with the current access routes to summits can be found as PDF files under each link – Note: Some of the access routes shown have not been marked in the field yet.

Copyright information: The base maps used are subject to the provisions of copyright; the rights belong to Publisher Berg- & Naturverlag Rölke, Dresden. In the context of copyright, the maps can be used for private and non-commercial and non-public use exclusively. Any additional uses are explicitly subject to prior approval.
Individual maps have been slightly edited by the National Park Authority.


The following sites are available in German only; however, check these sites if you’re looking for climbing area maps.


A: National Park

B: Conservation Area

1.   Wehlen Area   6.   Affensteine 11.   Rocks Area
2.   Rathen Area   7.   Small Zschand 12.   Bielatal
3.   Brand Area   8.   Great Zschand 13.   Erzgebirge Area
4.   Schrammsteine   9.   Wildenstein Area
5.   Schmilka Area 10.   Hinterhermsdorf Area   


Bohemian Switzerland National Park Summits


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